Chengdu Could Not Would Not Fall Asleep


By Barney Saltzberg

Illustrated by Barney Saltzberg

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High in his bamboo tree, a young panda named Chengdu lies awake while everyone around him is sleeping. No matter what he tries, he cannot fall asleep. He turns and he tosses. He scrunches and he rolls. He even hangs upside down. Finally he climbs up and up and up, until he finds the perfect spot atop his brother. Panda pile!


Barney Saltzberg

Barney Saltzberg

About the Illustrator

Barney Saltzberg is the author of more than 30 books for children, including Beautiful Oops!, My Book of Beautiful Oops!, Good Egg, and the bestselling Touch and Feel Kisses series. Additionally, he’s recorded four albums of songs for children. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, two dogs, and a pond full of fish.

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