Cats on Catnip

A Grow-Your-Own Catnip Kit


By Andrew Marttila

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$15.50 CAD

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This mini kit includes everything you need to grow your own catnip at home.

There are few things more adorable and hilarious than cats on catnip. Inspired by Andrew Marttila’s book Cats on Catnip (Running Press, 2018), this mini kit includes everything a cat lover needs to grow their own catnip at home including:

  • 2-1/2-inch ceramic pot
  • Package of catnip seeds
  • Peat pellet that expands in water
  • Three 3 X 2-1/2-inch magnets of funny cats eating catnip
  • 32-page book with growing instructions and photos of cats playing with catnip

Andrew Marttila

About the Author

Andrew Marttila is a professional animal photographer best known for his captivating images of cats. He reaches hundreds of thousands of cat lovers through social media, where he documents his travels promoting rescues around the world, taking photos for clients, and snuggling a revolving door of foster kittens. Andrew's photography has been featured on the cover of National Geographic and in Catster, Vanity Fair, and the Guardian, and on CNN and MSNBC, among others. Andrew is the photographer behind Shop Cats of New York and author of Cats on Catnip and How to Take Awesome Photos of Cats. He lives in San Diego, CA, with his partner Kitten Lady, where they run their nonprofit rescue, Orphan Kitten Club.

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